Monday, 18 January 2010


Ok well the new challenege is under way, and it's gonna be harder than I thought. Over 17k hands in and I am breaking even. The standard of play at NL2 is just yuck. It just appears to be full of people who want to chuck $1-$2 onto the table and let it spin. Now this is fair enough, and is probably what I want, but I haven't been getting my fair share of luck. In fact if it wasn't for skill I would be massively down, as I am sitting somewhere in the region of 1000xBB behind EV, yet still managing to break even. Now hopefully when variance swings back in my direction this will help me move up a level, but it might be a while yet. I'll keep you posted.

As for the PokerStars WBCOOP, although I sent in my regsitration over a week ago, they haven't bothered replying to me yet, so unless they are quick I might just have other plans.

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